Monday, January 24

Annie Rawle : Osmosis

Annie is..

Hello, I'm Annie Rawle & at 52, I'm the oldest member of the Montage Collective.
I'm delighted that the younger girls are happy to have me involved! As a Fremantle resident, I'm especially delighted to have the opportunity to 'play shop' in my home town.

I've been creating in one way or another for all of my life – painting, stitching, mixed media, knitting & crochet. For a long time my focus was freehand machine embroidery – practice & teaching - but over the last few years I've been exploring laser cutting and am having a great time translating all my ideas into this relatively new medium. The name Osmosis derives from the way I let ideas seep into my conciousness and reflects my somewhat geeky character. Inspiration comes from the passions in my life – pattern, rhythm,maths, science, botany & most importantly, playfulness. My ideas are always overtaking my capacity to produce, but that's OK – it's a sign I'm having fun!I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy producing it.

More about Annie & Osmosis...


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